Look at the hammer. Dad Zhuang was so angry that he came to the police and roared, "What are you doing? How did these people get in? "

Several policemen looked at each other and didn’t know how to answer.
In fact, most of them are here not to prevent outsiders from invading, but to prevent Ah Hammer from leaving.
But can they say that? Of course not.
And Zhuang dad once saved their companion’s life. Now he was yelled at by Zhuang dad and immediately turned red, pointing to the intruders who were arrested. "Catch up and check for me!" What the hell is going on! What will let these people in! "
Suddenly, Hammer screamed.
"Hammer, what’s wrong with you?" Zhuang dad hurriedly turned around.
Only to see that there was a grape in the yard that had been squeezed before Dad Zhuang taught him that the wine-making equipment was almost destroyed, and it was stinking and was thrown into filth.
"Boo-hoo …" Ah Hammer cried with those destroyed appliances and wine.
The night is like ink, the vineyard is silent, the warning lights are flashing, and half of the walls of the winery cabin are burnt black, and the bombs are still embedded in it. Everyone present is silent and doesn’t know what to say. The hammer cries and wears far away.
“Fuk!” Hu slammed the fire extinguisher in his hand to the ground and didn’t know who he was cursing.
Every policeman present felt that he was scolding himself, but they deserved it.
"Mr. Zhuang, please rest assured that we will give you an explanation. This kind of thing must not be allowed," the police said
Dad Zhuang didn’t want to say a word. He turned back to his room and called Zhuang not far away.
"Xiaoyuan, I have decided to turn this place into a courtyard!"
"Dad, what happened?"
"Nothing …" Dad Zhuang didn’t say much about not being afraid of Zhuang.
Of course, Zhuang received the news soon, and he was so angry that he almost went directly to Lanxi State.
Mom sells a batch of old people to protect the earth here. Why do you stab the old people in the back?
Soon the news also reported the incident. In the surveillance video, A hammer blocked the incendiary bomb and hugged the brewing apparatus, crying and crying, which made people feel worried.
Dad went on the rampage at the camera. "I don’t know who these people are, but there is not a child in such a big Lanxi state." No, a diligent winemaker? I don’t care who is doing this and what background I have. I will do my best to make these people pay the price! "
"Sir, are you threatening the suspect?" The reporter said, "We are a country ruled by law in Lanxi, and we are responsible for threatening others …"
"Always threat zha? What do you mean by that? Are you a reporter? Are you sympathetic to terror? Do you have it with them? "
"Sir, you are slandering!"
"Slander your head, I just threaten me, and he threatens you, my mother!"
"Sir, you are insulting me. I will sue you …"
"If you dare, you can sue. There is always money to kill you! It’s always your mother! "
Zhuang’s dad is not a calm person most of the time, and at this time, he almost gave the reporter a full fist directly.
But in this way, Dad Zhuang is the real Dad Zhuang.
Full of sympathy for the weak, extra care for one’s own calf, not calm enough, emotional things sometimes get into trouble
These reporters are trying to provoke Zhuang Dad to discredit Zhuang Dad.
But no, as Zhuang’s dad said.
There is always money.
Son is richer.
Not far from Zhuang, he waved his hand and recruited a servant. "Let Sister Yue go to Lanxi. Who dares to provoke my father to sue one by one!"
"By the way, send someone to investigate whether this mother is beautiful."
Not beautiful, I don’t agree!
Chapter 75 Heaven sends justice
The results of the investigation will soon come out because it caused an uproar and the people were caught with the stolen goods.
These intruders are radical in Lanxi state, and almost everyone has a criminal record when they know that Hammer Personnel Office has come to make trouble together.
But is it really that simple?
Wen Liuquan reported his findings to Zhuang not far away.
"These people all received a sum of money, some in cash, some in bank transfer, some in checks, which came from several well-known winery owners nearby."
"This kind of problem should be easy to find out." Zhuang is not far from dissatisfaction. "What the hell are the Lanxi police doing?"
"What should be done is not so simple. Although there is no evidence at present, I think this kind of thing should be acquiesced by some people. Maybe someone put pressure on the Lanxi police."

There was a strange light in Yunshan people’s eyes, and the corners of their mouths left no trace. "Let’s be ambitious, I advise you."

"Ha ha! Brother Yun shouldn’t have advised me that I owe Su E too much, so I should take myself to pay her back. "Guo Yi laughed at himself.
After the rain, the night is clear, and the stars are woven into a vast milky way.
The moon is like a boat swinging in the sky. Yin Hui Guo Yi and Yunshan people sit on the floor and talk all night. They sometimes criticise each other and sometimes sing like two immortals in the moon.
This night is a bit too fast, and before they have enjoyed themselves, the knot in Guo Yi’s heart has been solved by Yunshan people, and the whole people are relaxed as never before, and all their troubles have disappeared.
"Brother Yun is really not a fairy?" Tian Shi Guo Yi asked this question again, because Guo Yi found that he actually regarded him as a confidant, and his heart has occupied a very important position.
Yunshan humanity "if I say yes, what will you do?" Will the sword kill me? "
"Even if you are Yun Xianer, I won’t kill you." Guo Yidao
Yunshan said, "What kind of woman is Yun Xianer that makes Guo Xiong so obsessed?"
"A woman who wants to steal my heart and is bound to be beautiful," Guo Yi said.
"oh! Does Brother Guo think she has a chance to steal your heart? " Yunshan humanity
"It depends on whether Brother Yun is Yunxianer" Guo Yi said.
"How do you say?" Yunshan humanity
"Brother Yun has stolen half my heart," Guo Yi said.
"Ha ha, it’s a good thing that I’m not YunXianEr or Guo Xiong’s heart will be missing half. Then Miss Sue will have to find me desperately." Yunshan people laughed.
"I’m glad too."
Guo Yi rose from the ground, and at this time, the sun was as red as Dani, and the morning dew made the air particularly moist. In the distance, a huge boat like a mountain flew from the other side of the clouds.
Wan Jiao’s flying boat is about to set sail. Su E is waiting for Guo Yi to be a year late. Will the wedding be smooth sailing?
Chapter 257 Prelude to murder
The Imperial City of Beistyles is the gate of the evil peak of heaven. On what people want to go to the evil peak of heaven, they must cross the Wanjiao boat in Beistyles Imperial City for three days to reach the foot of the evil peak of heaven.
At this time, the virtual ferry outside the imperial city is a sea of people coming to the ancient Xuanyu, and all the people who cultivate immortals have gathered together. These people have received the invitations from Tianxie Peak, but they are the guests who are rushing to attend this highly anticipated wedding.
Guo Yi and Yunshan people are both rare young talents, a famous person and a magnificent theory, which can attract the attention of several young women wherever they go.
There was a young man in Li Zhuo, a flying boat with ten thousand dumplings. His brow was covered with an eagle and a silver spirit ring. An ancient painting with black light was suspended above his head. The whole person looked at the front like a statue of death.
He looks like he is in his early twenties, but his deep eyes make people feel that he has lived for hundreds of years
"I’ve already inquired about him. He is the four evil teachers’ evil painters’ of Tianxie Peak, and Sun Wangdao is also the two pursuers of Su E." When Deng Wan Jiao flew the boat, Qing Niu and six quasi-law-level killers also came to meet Guo Yi. Just now, Qing Niu said.
Guo Yi look move way "oh! Who is the other one? "
"Sun Ling Kowloon, the guardian of Japan" Qingniu Road
Even when Guo Yi looked at Wang Dao, he also looked at Guo Yi without blinking an eye. The murderous look in Guo Yi’s eyes was like a knife, and Guo Yi showed his teeth with a hideous smile full of provocation.
Yunshan humanity "Guo Xiong seems to have more rivals than lovers. It takes three days to go to the evil peak. I’m afraid these people will all jump out. They won’t let you step on the evil peak."
"Brother Yun is such a master, I believe there are not many people who can stop me from stepping on the evil peak." Guo Yi smiled noncommittally, and suddenly there was an intermittent piano in his breath. A green figure passed in front of Guo Yi, and the figure was so fast that when Guo Yi got there, the other party had disappeared.
Why is she here?
Yunshan people saw that Guo Yi was wrong and came to ask, "What happened to Brother Guo just now?"
"Nothing seems to see an acquaintance" Guo Yi looked unnatural.
Wan Jiao’s swift boat is as big as a mountain, and more than 100,000 passengers want to find a person in it. It’s like finding a needle in a haystack. Even if Liu Er really boarded Wan Jiao’s swift boat, Guo Yi may not be able to find her out.
The stream of young cattle ran around until half an hour before they came to Guo Yi and said, "Guess who I just saw?"
"We have many old acquaintances, and it’s not surprising that you see anyone," Guo Yi said.

I have sent several ants and beasts here. "Xuanju has a heavy heart.

Xu back listening is a flash of eyes.
Then this should be the important place for the Mechanic clan to cultivate ant Terran in Lingji Star.
In addition to minerals and various resources, the biggest goal of the mechanical clan colonial Lingji Star after harvest should be here.
Looking at this sleepy retreat with heavy security measures, I was lost in thought, speculating but not sure.
What’s inside?
After a few minutes, Xu retreated and transferred the former captive little fiend, that is, the Eldar of Transmutation Environment Machinery.
They gave surprisingly consistent answers.
Yunling center
Let Xu tui know what’s inside just by name!
The Eldar breed the Terran order in Jifeng No.7 Resource Star, just to gain the Eldar!
Spirit, this thing has been seen before.
Very important!
But in order to get the spirit, can you kill other animist species?
Struggling for a few seconds, Xu retreated and suddenly stopped.
There’s no need to struggle
It’s just like blue star humans eat 1.2 billion pigs and 6.5 billion chickens every year. Can you say that blue star humans have any malice?
Not really!
It’s just to get more meat and more protein’s better food.
But what about pigs and chickens?
That also in the eyes of the Eldar, the Ant Man ant beast is the same thing as the chicken and pig in the eyes of the Blue Star human.
Similarly, in the eyes of the Eldar, blue star humans are also chickens and pigs.
This is the law of food chain!
The highest and cruelest food chain law in the universe!
At this level, is it wrong for the Mechs to enslave and control the Ant Man clan?
So what should I do if I take it back?
"Can you fight in this spiritual room?" Xu back at mechanical Eldar captive asked
The prisoner shook his head. "There are top resources in this spirit room. Only two elders can enter the password at the same time to play."
Kiko determined that this spirit room was the place where the Mechs received the spirit release.
How many are there?
"How long is it to play here at a time?"

The leader sent a cold hum to the eye, and it was almost arrogant.

Four policemen behind him rushed to take people.
If you can’t sit still, you have to make moves.
But the Goethe sound came to my ear.
"don’t move"
The sound is not emotional. Huang Dangdang watched Goethe in the car. At this time, Goethe’s mouth was smiling, but the smile was a little cold, especially the eyes.
It looks a little seeping.
And stab your eyes.
She just took one more look at her eyes and cried with pain.
Immediately look down and dare not look again.
Wang Changgui was taken away.
Lao Wang Ma furled the man and arranged for the big lady and others to stay, then he sent someone to sweep and listen, ready to make enough money first, whether people can come out or not, regardless of whether they mainly don’t go in and suffer.
Guanting and yamen are so easy to enter?
You think you’re not guilty, and you’re really okay?
Don’t say that the shackles on your hands and feet won’t be taken off for you to stay up all night, and your bones will be scattered the next day.
If you are wicked again, I will directly tie the toilet to you, and the whole person will smell like it, and it will collapse in three days, and it will be crazy.
Lao Wang is busy.
Miss Wangs came to Goethe’s house.
They lived in the back yard of Wangjiapu. Wang Changgui wanted to live next door spacious and comfortable, but now Wang Changgui has gone in, there is nothing to say.
Just squeeze with the guys
"Mr. Mo?"
When Miss Wang entered the room, she asked with a worried face in her eyes.
Goethe smiled. He knew what was going on and waved.
"Wang Zhanggui will be back early."
Miss Wang Dajia suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.
She believes in Mr. Mo.
Mr. Mo says it’s okay, then it’s really okay
Immediately face with a smile.
Miss Wang’s face smiled when she took Wang Changgui and left, and her face also smiled.
Then one heart.
Then it’s a celebration
Because of the purse in your hand!
"Fifty taels, my Lord, let’s pay off the money and goods."
"I’m betting on that old thing. Shall I give him something?"
Get a satisfactory reward, the leader sent someone to ask the person in front of him.

"Yesterday, Hua Qingfeng also wanted to be original and forgive me. Do you know that he finally died?"

"This ….." The snake demon’s eyes flashed a trace of fear and pleaded "hope that the reality is pitiful and pitiful."
In those days, Jiang Taigong beheaded the deity demon and failed to catch up with the penance. I dare not neglect it at all.
Still hope that the real person will pity the little demon for practicing hard and don’t put me back to my original shape. "
"Will you seal the gods?" Lingqing smell speech one leng.
This is the first time he has heard the message that this chop will seal the gods.
"What do you mean you didn’t catch up?"
"The little demon has seen the king of Wen’s tiger’s harvest. Lei Zhen was a little demon who didn’t dare to make humble repairs at that time.
Later, it became a human form, and I heard that the Jiang Taigong Qishan deity demon rushed slowly and finally failed to catch up.
In the end, I was wandering around in many places, and now I can only be refined. The Yin God is still far away from that soaring.
Small demon is really don’t want to rebuild my life, hope real mercy. "
Lingqing listened to him and spoken parts came over.
Some people don’t want this list of gods, but others are eager to get it.
However, this demon is not well repaired, but there are still some things that can live for such a long time.
"Not being original don’t want to forgive you if you didn’t bump into being original.
Being original will never make a special trip to trouble you, and when you are full of evil in the future, you will have the devil to take the hindmost.
Now that we are here, we will be tested by the fire of red-violet industry.
If you can live being original, if you can’t live, remember to do more good deeds to seek Tao. "
Said Lingqing, regardless of his whining like killing a pig, he reached a finger and a red-violet fire wrapped him.
The fire has been refined for a day before it slowly goes out.
Although the snake demon is dying, it has not been refined to death. On the contrary, there is still a faint merit after it is sold out.
Ling Qing asked, "So you have done some good things?"
After being refined karma, the snake demon slowed down and was refreshed a lot.
The smell said, "Little Demon once instructed a man to practice at the end of the Han Dynasty.
Later, he became a general of Shu, known as Changshan Zhao Long.
When people worship him, they thank him and give some incense to the little demon. "
"So that’s it." Lingqing nodded and never thought he had this chance.
A wave of his hand will be nine heavy green que accepted "being original previously promised.
If you can get past Red-violet, you will be enlightened.
No, are you willing to learn? "
"Little demon wants to learn from his younger brother and visit the master." The snake demon jumped to his feet and prostrated himself.
"Slow down, slow down." Lingqing swept him over with a dust stroke.
Tao "is that you are not busy when you enter the Tao and accept disciples."
The snake demon stood up and said, "By the teacher …"
I was about to ask Master to look at Lingqing’s face again and immediately changed my mouth and said, "It’s arranged by real people."
"So you can live in this view now. Do your homework with me in the morning and evening every day and raise some morality." Ling Qing ordered.
"Do you have a name?"
"When I taught people, I took a common surname and never had a name," the snake demon said.
"You should always have a name when you learn Taoism now."
Lingqing just mused, "The serpent has given up the beast for you and picked the word" worm "to call you" Ran ".
Such as? "
"Thank you for the real name!" Chang Ran smell speech big prostrate worship way
Although his brother was confiscated, he was given a name, which was quite impressive.
That he didn’t feel at ease.
Hou Lingqing took him to the hall to do evening classes together.
Guan Zhong’s younger brother also knows Chang Ran and knows that he is a good friend of his own master.
Now I see that he has been degraded by Ling Qing, and I have been dead since then.
From then on, behave yourself and do your homework in the morning and evening with Lingqing every day to be a serious Sanqing brother.
Ling Qing didn’t always run away with any wonderful method, but he taught him the method of refining the sun, the moon and the water.
It is a place where the sun and the moon are used to refine the magic power.
When will he say something else after he has refined all the demon powers?

"That’s a pity."

Say gently waved.
In the dark
A series of figures came out from behind him, and they were all Warren family members, holding swords and soldiers and slowly approaching Luoping.
"Sir" Paul turned pale.
"Master Terry’s death may not be Mr. Zhou’s, and even if there is, it’s not Mr. Luo’s business, is it?"
"Well …" StuWarren’s face mused.
"His younger brother killed my child, and now I kill Brother Zhou Jia, which seems to be consistent with the statement of the Dalin dynasty."
"Master Luo, don’t you think so?"
Chapter 1 Light
"Jazz, really?"
Luoping took a deep breath and saw that the other party was unmoved. Immediately, he stepped forward and stepped on a mountain of self-emergence.
The source force lies in the flesh, bones and muscles, and the visceral tremor.
If filar silk has substantial strength, it will come out of the body and cover the surrounding area, and eventually it will become true, so it is worthwhile to firmly hold one side.
"strong!" Stu Warren’s eyes flashed.
"It turns out that Master Luo is nine."
Nine sources of strength are in front, while nine sources of strength are behind, which affects the external excitable strength.
The two can be argued at a glance.
"Lucky promotion" Luo Ping sank his mouth
"Sir, although you are outnumbered, Luo is not a vegetarian. This is a zombie nest. Are you sure you want to do it?"
"Luo Daxia has achieved the nine-year future at a young age." StuWarren praised the tape.
"I’m not as old and weak as you. Although I have family strength, I only take one step more than you today."
Said the step forward.
A breath of complete self-sufficiency and mixed elements emerged from his body, and the sword trembled in his hand, revealing a towering breath.
Every step!
StuWarren’s body has gone uphill, even if he achieves ten, it is already the limit, but ten is ten.
Luoping was not a heavy face.
Since the departure from Huojiabao, although it is full of crises and dangers, it can really make people’s strength advance by leaps and bounds.
If you are willing to fight for your life and get lucky, you will not be weak.
I can be promoted to nine, and others may go further.
Moreover, Stuart Warren, the owner of Warren’s family, has been a top nine player many years ago, which may be an opportunity.
Nine wars, ten wars and the rest of the Warren family …
My heart almost sank to the bottom.
However, Luoping, after all, has been fighting for a long time, so he didn’t panic at this point, but the pressure turned to let him clear his mind and spirit.
Iron yuan body force to a layer of metal color emerged from his body surface.
"Ah …"
StuWarren was disdainful of lupin’s plan.
It’s just a fight!
He is old, even if he can lock the sperm solid, he can’t regenerate. Terry Warren is the future of Warren family.
Terry’s death means that the Warren family’s apoptosis is a foregone conclusion.
This is an unbearable blow to Stu Warren.
What’s he afraid of when the family is going to die? Even his faith is shaken. Maybe only the dead will be the home.
This desperate world …

Forcing a poor man to achieve anything and become a manor owner, go home and cultivate immortality!

Zoo workers are really tired, too
In particular, I have been working overtime for more than ten days, and I have been in the zoo for a long time. At this time, anxious to return dispersed in a hubbub and went back to their homes to find their mothers. Finally, the zoo was silent.
Xiao Zhou worked overtime to spread the news that "Little Tiger Feeding" would be put in the zoo tomorrow.
Although it is already midnight, the news that there will be 50 newborn baby tigers in Tianzoo can make an appointment to be breastfed by tourists’ baby tigers has caused a uproar on the Internet.
Now, Neng Zoo is in Fengjian Langkou, and all kinds of immortal parties and night cats can’t wait to forward comments when they see the new news.
In the official account of Neng Zoo, Xiao Zhou posted a photo of 50 little tigers sleeping in rows. The scene of little tigers lying together in different shapes was simply adorable. I don’t know how many people bled out in the middle of the night and made emergency calls.
Many people who criticize the zoo can’t help but be moved at this time.
Mom, the eggs are so cute
Meng is justice!
Mom, I want to hug the little tiger!
During the day, many people think that the zoo route is a bit too exciting, but suddenly the painting style turns cute overnight. Some people don’t like excitement but like cute things!
Of course, even for rational people, it is not cute.
After being forced to get a face of blood, rational people dried their blood. The news that the little milk tiger was allowed to contact tourists at the Neng Zoo was another round of criticism. Many people had already made an appointment to smash the venue in the virtual city.
Others have a whim, "Why don’t we take the lead and find someone to eat the dog?"! It is enough that we should be responsible for watching the good play. "
"Yes, those dynamic insurance points in Virtual City seem to be quite active!"
"Yes, I also saw a news report today that they went to Wufeng Wildlife Park and made a scene. Those greatest show on earth in Dalian International were all smashed!"
"Poof 23333 These greatest show on earth passive insurance points outside the state drove them everywhere to be dissolved, and they managed to escape to the state to continue their lives. Now even the state can’t live? But this time I want to say that the insurance points are well done! Teasing and cruelty to animals should be banned! "
"Let’s poke them and make them move!"
So at about three o’clock in the morning, I counted my account crazy @ Virtual City to save animal organizations.
"Look at you, look at how they can treat the tiger like this!"
"You are not to save animals? Now it’s your turn to show them that it’s immoral to treat tigers as pets! "
"It’s no good for people to specialize in animal virtual city animal protection organization. Let’s move! You tiger owners are being ravaged! "
Pang Pang in Wufeng Wildlife Park hasn’t slept yet. He called the person in charge of greatest show on earth overnight to discuss with them about the program with the dead stars.
"This … should be able to do it …" The head of the circus was a little hesitant but still gritted his teeth and agreed to come. "It’s like letting the audience interact with the animals, but our animal trainer has to act with the animals in the whole process …"
There is no way. greatest show on earth has been forced by all kinds of animal insurance in the world to go to the first-tier countries. This type of circus performance is no longer welcome in the second-and third-tier countries. Now they have to consider changing careers or going to the door. If they can establish a good relationship with Wufeng Wildlife Park, they may be able to survive for a second.

Now the manor is no longer completely undefended!

But the soldiers are strong and Ma Zhuang is well prepared.
They also have resistance!
"The enemy attack is ready to fight!"
"Inform the landlord immediately and ask the landlord to get ready!"
"All combatant cars!"
Today’s training is an infantry walking war. There is no other means of transportation, but as soon as his voice fell, everyone climbed to the excavator.
Soon, ten excavators were full of humans and rabbit dragons, just like Ah San’s military parade
Ten excavators turned around and galloped forward at full power.
Behind a few Tanqueray team leader and others even eyes pop out.
Why does this excavator run so fast!
Normally, the speed of excavator is almost the same as that of human walking, and trailers are needed for long-distance transportation
But this excavator is here to fight. If the snail is fast, why fight?
At that time, it was difficult to rebuild the excavator.
I have to say that the Nathanians are really mechanical geniuses. In fact, they didn’t completely recreate the excavator with rusty gold.
Even if they have little knowledge, they have increased the engine power, driving speed and arm-digging speed many times with the help of Xiao Wei under the condition that the line changes little.
Not far from Zhuang, I accidentally dug down less than half of the manor.
The three tanks behind the excavator all ran away and fell apart, and were gradually pulled in.
Can’t chase!
Can’t the tank chase the excavator?
What kind of sinister excavator is this? Faster than my five pairs of load wheels?
After a while, they can listen to the faint sound ahead and watch the track prints run forward.
When they were almost desperate, they finally heard a sound on the channel.
"Discover the enemy!"
"Battle formation!"
"Don’t be in a daze and hide!"
"Decentralized harassment frontal battlefield to excavator …"
"Applauded …"
"Boom spluttered pa …"
The secret gun sounded not far ahead, and there was a faint rumble. Large areas of trees fell, and it seemed that some behemoth was raging ahead.
"Hurry and hurry!" The situation is so fierce, screaming and shouting, the tank soldiers are in a hurry and hurriedly said, "Hurry up! Speed up! Accelerate! "
The battlefield is in chaos.
It is also the first time for the specially trained players to face the war giant dog, but in the previous training, Xu Jianfei has sent information to each of them, which describes each opponent in detail.
And one of the most dangerous enemies is the giant dog of war.
In the data, Xu Jianfei specially emphasized the horror of this war giant dog. It is indestructible, and objects will be trampled flat in front of it.
It’s true that the earth has nothing to stop them, no matter how hard the alloy is.
All enemy materials must be memorized by soldiers. It is said that this is the kind of super Bss that can run as fast as possible when it meets.
To tell the truth, they still had some at that time.
But now I really saw the war dog appear in front of them-although it was a short-legged war in Ke Jiquan-and they were still shocked by the monster.
Then there was a strong sense of fear.
Will die!
Mom, the eggs are terrible. The enemy will really die!
We knew it was big, but we didn’t expect it to be so big!
Fortunately, they are all well-trained soldiers, and they quickly dispersed according to their pre-training to cover themselves with various bunkers.
After the appearance of the giant dog in the Second World War, Xu Jianfei was not sitting still.
He also thought of many ways.
For example, increase the power and range of rifle grenades, for example, build a flexible and slender chain rope net with rust gold, and launch it to entangle the War Dog Festival to delay its action, for example, dig traps in many places, and these traps are just enough to trap the feet of the War Dog.
Excavators were really protecting the infantry from digging holes during the recent collaborative training.

There is nothing. Shopping is really a stroll in the street.

"It’s probably because all the needs of heaven and man can be met through wisdom and brains, so the desire to go out is minimized … but it’s also normal. Why, Miss Wan, do people in your hometown often travel?"
On the contrary, the rain is unclear.
In her opinion, the world is not normal.
It is not normal to be lively …
Pure blood is busy enjoying life, and mixed blood is busy fighting for life.
While those colony and slaves with that low status are not even qualified to appear in the streets.
Who has the leisure to stroll?
"It’s boring …"
Wan Wan’s clever eyes turned around and asked, "Then it’s raining. Take people to some exciting places to play. Isn’t that … very fun?"
"Not without it, but it costs money."
Rain is clear: "I actually have no money and I still owe Sue a lot of foreign debts … Although I finally paid off recently, Lei Ming helped me buy a set of martial arts and a set of Wushu, so I owe it again."
Wan Wan sighed, "Sue is really good at peeling skin. Even a pure blood like you can owe him money. It’s okay. I have money."
"well, it’s not without you if you want to go."
Yuxi walked towards the leisure and entertainment place with Wan Wan.
A moment later
[It is detected that there is still a balance of 12W in your personal account that does not meet the requirements for entering high-end leisure and entertainment venues. We suggest you go to work as soon as possible to earn more funds to cope with future shocks.]
When that sweetness rings in my ear
Wan Wan’s whole person is stupid.
She came to pay back Sue’s boss and gave her a 12W gift, which is quite high salary … As a result, I didn’t expect that I didn’t even have the qualification to enter entertainment places?
No, I don’t even have privacy here. Isn’t it known to everyone that I have so little money?
Next to those who go in and out, their eyes are fixed on this cute little girl with a smile that can’t be hidden …
I think this little girl is so funny, poor and cute.
Women, on the other hand, gloat. So what if they are beautiful and not poor?
So …
The Demon Maid of the Open Magic Door was angry and tearful, and went to Sue’s head.
And a whole day’s experience
Everyone has gained a lot, but their feelings are the same …
The world is too prosperous and too bleak.
But the novel experience also makes them have to sigh at the diversity of this world.
But they also don’t like …

"We found a friendly army."

This is good news!
Ouyang Ping quickly asked, "Which country?"
"Tricolor flag God knows which country it is." Yip hon spoke sharply.
He finally thought that those distinctive tricolor flags were too wonderful, and he always suspected that the rulers of these countries were too lazy. Otherwise, why were tricolor flags so easily confused as national flags?
In fact, he had to look through the data in the biochip to know which country the flag belonged to, but he just didn’t bother to move.
"Then what shall we do?" Ouyang Ping asked
"How many people did you bring?"
"one company"
"Ma called for backup and called the guard camp and the teaching camp to the shaft. Who is in charge now?"
"three heads"
"Let him watch the shaft and this passage, and don’t let the enemy copy our back road."
"And ouyang you wait a follow-up forces for a while I give you the first move route …"
Ouyang Ping quickly refused that "Shi Changlong’s regiment has no reserves, and his troops will not be able to withdraw for a while except for the troops I brought."
"Then you explain the situation to Lao Long first and then lead the team to follow!"
Chapter 154 Friendly forces from Italy and Italy
The troops set out again and plunged into a maze-like chaotic fork in the road, but there were mechanical spiders who had formed a form of intelligence network. This lone escort was carried out at any time and place, so the troops moved very smoothly and soon got out of the maze and entered the cave hall.
Yip hon immediately ordered the troops to prepare for the battle.
There are already enemies here, even if there is a mechanical spider warning, you can’t be careless.
The troops crossed the cave hall and entered the opposite passage. Until this time, Ouyang Ping took the troops to catch up with them.
Just to keep up with the enemy, the mechanical spider also stopped. Luo Qi immediately reported to Yip Han, "Teacher, the enemy has arrived!"
"What’s the situation?" Yip hon hit the spider and sent back pictures. The horse saw a large number of enemy troops.
At this time, the alien team has arrived at the end of the tunnel and kept there. The enemy will meet, and the total number of the enemy will be hundreds. They are crowded into the narrow hole and don’t know what to wait for.
After crossing the sardines, the enemy can see that there should be a big hole outside the passage, but the spider’s visual angle is limited and he can’t see what is going on outside the passage
Ye Han said, "Are there many negative forks?"
"Not too many."
Yip hon nodded and looked at Ouyang Ping and Luo jiaqi. "Luo jiaqi arranged a class to watch the retreat and the bifurcation hole, and also arranged people to watch it for me." He gave it to Luo jiaqi because Luo jiaqi led the troops mostly from the third regiment. They fought with aliens in the tunnel for so long, and the experience of small troops in stopping the enemy was much richer than that of the teaching camp.
"When others quickly thrust forward and approach the enemy, they must slow down quickly and accurately, and give the dog-day aliens a memory."
Luo jiaqi and Ouyang Ping discussed a few words and decided on the specific plan of action. The troops quickly took action and arrived at the scheduled attack site in a few minutes.
It’s less than 200 meters away from the enemy, and you can see the knot by turning a corner. Even Yip Han was surprised that the enemy could reach the attack position so smoothly.
Don’t aliens have so much confidence in their own defense that they don’t worry about being copied at the back?
Things seem a little uneasy about Yip hon’s heart, but the arrow string has to be sent to this step and can’t go back.
He tuned the channel to the low frequency of communication of the multinational force and said, "Did anyone hear me? Is there anyone on this channel? "
As soon as the voice fell, the Malay suppressed cheers, followed by a series of filthy racket. He couldn’t help but interrupt, "Let’s talk differently!" He can recognize that it is a certain language of Latin, but what language is it?
The other party obviously realized that Yip hon couldn’t understand his own words and immediately changed to English to say a paragraph, but Yip hon understood the words "thank you very much" and no more words were white.
Yip hon immediately said, "shout for English!"
Luo jiaqi immediately looked at Ouyang Ping.
He probably came from the third regiment and was not familiar with the soldiers.
Ouyang Ping immediately called a soldier, "Teacher, his name is Qi Yue, and his foreign language is good."
Yip hon told the soldier the communication frequency "ask him what he just said"
Qi Yue’s communication rattled and translated, "The teachers are facing Italian troops. They say they are under great pressure and hope we can rescue them."
Yip hon suddenly realized, "I said that tricolor flag is so familiar." He is not a fan and hasn’t seen several ball games. In retrospect, he thinks that tricolor flag is familiar because someone always draws it on his face when watching the ball.
Luo jiaqi was struck by lightning expression "Italy? What is Italy and Italy? Teacher, how many people have they come? "
"It should be a brigade." Ye Han called up the information of the multinational force. "Don’t look at people with old eyes. You think it’s so bad … Did they say anything about it?"
"I said I brought a map back," Qi Yue said. "They also said they captured a group of alien worms, which seem to be alien equipment."
"equipment?" Yip hon thought of the diary of a prisoner.
He made a map and saw an irregular cave with a passage on the left and right sides of the hall. The Italian army established a defense line on both sides of each passage.
In the center of the Italian army’s cave hall, there are several giant worms painted with skull marks and some giant worms without marks placed on the edge of the two caves.
Yip hon knows that the edge of the cave hall is in the dead corner of alien shooting, which is much safer than the center of the cave hall, but what the hell are those giant insects with signs?
"Yes, it’s equipment," Qi Yue said firmly. "They also said that the first purpose of aliens is not to destroy them but to kill giant worms."
Yip hon suddenly understood the meaning in the picture and said ironically, "They are quite humorous!"
Luo Qi asked, "Teacher, what shall we do?"
"Hit" yip hon mercilessly spit out a word "it’s 10: 35: 24, and now I’m going to rush in at 36: 00 on time to pick up the friendly forces and then withdraw as soon as possible"
"Yes!" Luo Qi and Ouyang Ping organized troops with the same horse.
Yip hon said to Qi Yue again, "Tell them to pay attention to meet Don’t treat us as aliens."
"Yes!" Qi Yue promised to talk about a big deal in one room and said, "Teachers agreed."
"You come with me first," yip hon told me, but he couldn’t help but vomit. "Don’t make any mistakes with his grandmother."
Half a minute later, the battle started on time. Luo jiaqi and Ouyang Ping were hit by 12 machine guns and more than 30 grenade launchers. At the same time, all the grenade launchers were fired together, and the enemy was stunned with one fire.