There was a strange light in Yunshan people’s eyes, and the corners of their mouths left no trace. "Let’s be ambitious, I advise you."

"Ha ha! Brother Yun shouldn’t have advised me that I owe Su E too much, so I should take myself to pay her back. "Guo Yi laughed at himself. After the rain, the night is clear, and the stars are woven into a vast milky way. The moon is like a boat swinging in the …

I have sent several ants and beasts here. "Xuanju has a heavy heart.

Xu back listening is a flash of eyes. Then this should be the important place for the Mechanic clan to cultivate ant Terran in Lingji Star. In addition to minerals and various resources, the biggest goal of the mechanical clan colonial Lingji Star after harvest should be here. Looking at this sleepy retreat with heavy …

The leader sent a cold hum to the eye, and it was almost arrogant.

Four policemen behind him rushed to take people. If you can’t sit still, you have to make moves. But the Goethe sound came to my ear. "don’t move" The sound is not emotional. Huang Dangdang watched Goethe in the car. At this time, Goethe’s mouth was smiling, but the smile was a little cold, especially …

"Yesterday, Hua Qingfeng also wanted to be original and forgive me. Do you know that he finally died?"

"This ….." The snake demon’s eyes flashed a trace of fear and pleaded "hope that the reality is pitiful and pitiful." In those days, Jiang Taigong beheaded the deity demon and failed to catch up with the penance. I dare not neglect it at all. Still hope that the real person will pity the little …

Forcing a poor man to achieve anything and become a manor owner, go home and cultivate immortality!

Zoo workers are really tired, too In particular, I have been working overtime for more than ten days, and I have been in the zoo for a long time. At this time, anxious to return dispersed in a hubbub and went back to their homes to find their mothers. Finally, the zoo was silent. Xiao …

Now the manor is no longer completely undefended!

But the soldiers are strong and Ma Zhuang is well prepared. They also have resistance! "The enemy attack is ready to fight!" "Inform the landlord immediately and ask the landlord to get ready!" "All combatant cars!" Today’s training is an infantry walking war. There is no other means of transportation, but as soon as his …

There is nothing. Shopping is really a stroll in the street.

"It’s probably because all the needs of heaven and man can be met through wisdom and brains, so the desire to go out is minimized … but it’s also normal. Why, Miss Wan, do people in your hometown often travel?" On the contrary, the rain is unclear. In her opinion, the world is not normal. …