I have sent several ants and beasts here. "Xuanju has a heavy heart.

Xu back listening is a flash of eyes. Then this should be the important place for the Mechanic clan to cultivate ant Terran in Lingji Star. In addition to minerals and various resources, the biggest goal of the mechanical clan colonial Lingji Star after harvest should be here. Looking at this sleepy retreat with heavy …

Forcing a poor man to achieve anything and become a manor owner, go home and cultivate immortality!

Zoo workers are really tired, too In particular, I have been working overtime for more than ten days, and I have been in the zoo for a long time. At this time, anxious to return dispersed in a hubbub and went back to their homes to find their mothers. Finally, the zoo was silent. Xiao …

"All we need is for people to see that we will have greater benefits after helping us through the difficulties for nothing."

"Luan falling into the city can not help us much." "But not without" He took out a letter from his sleeve, which was bought from Yunlai Pavilion at a large price, and it was a lot of information about the strong silver in Luan Luocheng. Most of the silver has its own foundation and will …

Li Jijun suddenly got up and was shocked. Even the table was confiscated, and the noodle soup was spilled all over the table.

Su Wei reached out and brushed the oil and water instantly condensed into ice … Li Jijun did not clean up. Shocked, "Really … I can really practice ancient martial arts in reality?" No one craves strength more than he does. At the beginning, it was not that I didn’t think about practicing Gu Wu, …

Gazing at her intently, he said with a few words of comfort in his cold voice.

"Don’t be afraid" Poof bursts a LeBao pure smiled "ha ha dismiss me? ! I’m not afraid of her. Hey, you didn’t see it. Haha, she was so angry with me … " "oh? !” In his heart, my little girl was a little nervous. She deliberately skipped those words just now, and a burst …

It’s hard to imagine that a busy boss would take time to learn about a game, which shows how much he attaches importance to his daughter’s affairs. After knowing F, he will also know about Ye Qinggong and his daughter’s career.

He finally knows that big honey investment is not an industry with no future. The F professional competition is now very mature. Although the profitability of major teams is not ideal, this thing is just like football, and its advertising effect is very good. The former Guangzhou Evergrande was just a small and medium-sized real …

"Luo Er, besides his face, looks very similar to Ye, and when he grows up, Luo Er’s body shape is also very similar to Ye, and his head is also very higher than the birthmark …"

"No son was born in vain without a birthmark, but … when I was very young, I didn’t know when a little Zhu Shazhi was not very small and half as big as sesame! If you see that face, it’s easy to recognize! Exasperated " "I will be able to draw a portrait today and …

The waves told their own stories, and after they finished their stories, they came back to ask Zhang Yi about college life and details. They also laughed and asked Zhang Yi if he had ever had a boyfriend in college or worked as a class cadre.

When they were chatting, they passed unconsciously. During the conversation, the waves took a message and made a call. It was Brother Bao who reported that Ah Cai had gone home to sleep. Two brothers, Ah Cai Lou, watched Ah Cai. In addition, there was no peace in the gym room. Four brothers watched the …