"This ….." Gold extremely wry smile.

"You don’t want to?" Xu back murderous look in the eyes.
"No, it’s some regrets, please ask an adult to give it." Speaking, Jin Ji will draw his energy core and at the same time, Liu Weijin River also shows his energy core.
Xu tui’s spirit directly falls into the core of Qi Weijin’s energy and is branded with mental body.
And one side Weibin will also slowly break into the six Weijin River energy core with his weak spirit, which can be condensed at any time to explode the brand of Jinhe energy core spirit.
Xu back this is to strengthen the Chinese soil strength.
Huaxia even said that the head of the whole blue star extraterrestrial power was Xu tui, but the real frontline commanders were Weibin.
If you really come to a big war, you can retreat even if you are injured and unconscious, which will affect morale at best. If you kill a strong enemy, you will be in a coma again.
But if Weibin is in a coma, the battlefield will be chaotic for a while.
Weibin’s own strength is not strong enough to be a three-star star, and besides Li Qingping, he has no command of a strong star at any time
Xu retreat will make Weibin control the first four Daxi star-rated prisoners in Jinhe.
One of them is six guards, one is five guards and two are three guards.
This is a very powerful force at present, and giving it to Wei Bin for command is enough to deter foreign wars.
Surrender to 20 quasi-planets does not require Weibin control, but is directly handed over to others to control and enhance the strength of Bluestar or Huaxia gens.
Although the current blue star strength is one, it is more willing to increase the strength of the Chinese gens in terms of Xu retreat.
Later, Xu retreated and sent the water wisdom flesh directly to the neighboring wood star through the quantitative delivery channel.
Command wood adjacent star state-of-the-art cloning center at energy consumption in the shortest possible time to clone water wisdom flesh.
At the same time, artificial intervention was carried out on the face of Shuizhi clone
The order will be reached soon, and it can be carried out thoroughly with Huang busy here to monitor.
When Xu retired and went back to the newly built multi-person cross-satellite mass transmission channel, he had already received an xiaoxue message.
There are already two people waiting for asteroid 433.
Li Qingping follows the clear autumn.
They came here under Xu tui’s orders, but they didn’t know exactly what to do.
Five minutes later, Mei Sen also arrived. "What can I do for the colonel?" Coming from another planet, Mei Sen still has some asthma.
"Just wait."
Mei Sen also waited for half.
When Mei Sen took people to retreat from the planet, his mood was heavy. Now he is full of joy to see Xu retreat and return safely.
A few minutes later, Weibin also rushed over. "Everything is arranged."
"Has the limit been handed over?"
"The first-line emergency limit has been handed over to Huang," said Wei Bin.
Get a positive answer after Xu back directly linked to Erila "miss Erila ceres temporarily to you guarding.
I’m going to leave for a day or so because of the business teacher. Please keep Ceres well. It depends on the business teacher’s safety. "Xu retired a little bit specially. It’s absolutely no problem for the business teacher to ask the business teacher here in Erila.

"The technology is not mature, but once it is consumed, it will be less and once it is weak," Cai Shaochu said.

"Then open a good card, not waste it after all."
"I’ll pre-start it now when I need it."
Speaking, Cai Shaochu directly took out an independent portable computing terminal. After three times of identity authentication and two times of key confirmation, Cai Shaochu pressed the start button to some extent.
A light suddenly shone in a secret room deep in the ground of Mars base in Huaya region of Mars, and a man with closed eyes was soaked in a nutrition warehouse.
In an instant, all kinds of Guanghua lights up one after another, and all kinds of program startup sounds keep ringing.
At the same moment, a deep star and a planet, a middle-aged man suddenly interrupted Zheng "started? In trouble? "
"Let me know when you can go to war in three hours after the pre-start," Cai Shaochu said
"How long can it last?" Weibin asked
"This is the first time that the clone can last for half an hour if the breath appears.
Make a shot at most three times.
And every time you make a move, your strength will decay, "Cai Shaochu said.
"Three times is enough!"
Weibin nodded his head and suddenly looked at Cai Shaochu "by the way, why don’t you get a few clones like Sigh?"
If you get two out and put one at a base, it will be completely stable. "
"How many more?"
Cai Shaochu sneered, "The resonance rate can reach 99.9%. At present, the probability of cloning is 154 points, and it takes an average of 16 years to select one!"
And this is still a preliminary probability. I don’t know what the probability is. "
"Can’t you speed it up?"
"Cheng Lao took Shang Long and they got it from the Milky Way. If it weren’t for this Eldar, the old pervert wouldn’t go to war at any cost and directly extinguish half of Pangu’s special chapter elite.
We can’t even get out of the sun now. Where do you suggest? "Cai Shaochu sigh.
His middle-range old finger is the gene Gu Wu who created Cheng Fengxi.
"Haven’t you solved it yet?"
"Do you think it is possible to analyze calculus or differential calculus by throwing it to a monkey for a hundred years?"
Smell speech Weibin wry smile …
A greeting Weibin is about to leave the international Weibin private communication equipment to bob rang.
Is it an unsigned communication channel that I’ve never seen before or an encrypted one?
This let WeiBin eyebrows a wrinkly his private communication know that people are rarely wanted to think WeiBin conveniently pick up.
"Who’s calling?"
"Hello, Lieutenant General Wei, I’m Shuguang."
Wei bin leng Zhu
Dawn name he is clear.
The founder who founded and managed the Dawn Redemption Traitor Organization has always been the most mysterious of Blue Star.
Bluestar’s major joint districts have searched for decades and failed to find out his true identity.
Of course, there are clues, but they are broken every time I go deep into it.
The Blue Star Department has had many doubts.
There have been many targeted actions in Huaxia District, but there has been no success.
Weibin has also organized several times to eliminate the action surface and check the identity of the personnel, which is to eliminate the hidden dangers of the dawn redemption traitor organization.
There is a little achievement, but it doesn’t involve high-level people
I didn’t expect that the founder of Dawn Redemption Traitor Organization contacted him today and knew his private communication number.
"You are Shuguang. How can you prove your identity?" Weibin doubt way
Communication equipment to the dawn of the synthetic sound out laughing "dawn this identity should be a nobody dare to pretend to be nothing to pretend to be a value identity?
You don’t need a certificate, do you? "

It’s good to hide less.

Instead of stuffing it into the bed at will.
But now I don’t have time to do fine processing
Goethe knew very well that there was not much time left for him.
With more’ flesh and blood’ dying, the’ flesh and blood church’ will surely find it wrong.
Therefore, he is not demanding. The’ flesh and blood church’ found that it was wrong to kill as many’ flesh and blood’ as possible!
In’ flesh and blood believers’?
The’ flesh and blood believers’ in the’ hunting squad’ is an auxiliary position, which is not Goethe’s main goal, but I don’t mind getting rid of it if I touch Goethe.
The streets of Ruitasong block seem to be alert around, but their eyes have been greedily staring at the side buildings.
He knows exactly what his two companions are doing.
Bathe in blood!
Rise in strength!
Compared with his guarding wealth, fresh blood is the pursuit of’ flesh and blood’
The guarded wealth hunting is carried out alternately.
The three of them drew lots to decide the rotation order.
Rita unfortunately drew the first one.
This made Rita quite angry with her luck.
Inrita knows very well that the first wave of hunting is often the most rewarding time, especially the once-in-a-decade’ feast’ like this is not comparable to hunting alone with a’ hunting team’
If he is lucky enough, he can reach the limit of "flesh and blood"
With the help of the’ Lord’ arrival, the glory may directly become a’ flesh and blood priest’
But …
Now he can guard these things.
Although it was ordered by an adult, it still seems to him.
Especially when Rita saw that she had come out and returned to the building to hunt with her companions, she became more and more anxious. He didn’t want to have no prey when it was her turn.
Rita fidgeted and paced in place. As time passed, the’ flesh and blood’ was short of breath, and the scarlet in her eyes became more and more intense.
"Is it time?"
"It must have arrived!"
"What, they haven’t come out yet?"
"There must be something wrong with the lottery just now!"
"They cheated me in partnership!"
Rita growled crossly.
Then this "flesh and blood" strode towards the side building.
The flesh and blood believers saw this scene, but no one dared to stop it.
At this time to stop a’ flesh and blood’ show is to die!
And they don’t want to die!
Sorita is dead!
When he entered No.7 Songjie, Goethe, who was waiting for him, cut his throat and died.
The first two did not encounter any resistance.
Inexplicably, Goethe is a little fond of’ flesh and blood’, an enemy with great strength and high defense but slow speed and reaction and no skills-because when you are faster than him, you can be sure of winning.
And when you are faster than him and can break through his defense, they are like popcorn in the dish. You can dip tomato sauce if you want, and black pepper if you want.
It’s really refreshing!
Goethe killed this "flesh and blood" loose block, there would be no "flesh and blood"
With the help of 【 crow spirit 】 high vision, it is confirmed that the’ flesh and blood church’ has not found any abnormality here. After that, Goethe Ma rushed out.
Outside nine’ flesh and blood believers’ face rushed out Goethe is one leng.
Naturally, they all know Goethe.
But isn’t Goethe supposed to be the Foley block?
What will appear in Songjie District?
Doubts in my mind didn’t stop these’ flesh and blood believers’ from roaring and charging Goethe.
Still with his bare hands
Still shirtless
These "flesh-and-blood believers" never thought that Goethe would come out of the room just after "flesh-and-blood". They knew that Goethe was the enemy, so they would tear Goethe apart.
So the result is doomed.
With the effect of "sundering armor", "Shadow Snake Blade", Goethe shuttles back and forth among "flesh and blood believers"
Every time, there will be a’ flesh and blood believer’.

Xu tui, Zhu Lang, Li Zhen, Feng Xuanbiao, Xiang Daohang, Wang Hao, Liu Zongye and others stayed on the spot.

Things out, red light, but another wave.
"Well … you should be witnesses to the Millings incident. I want to make sure that what Millings threw in at that time was one or two?" Liu Zongye doubt way
"I can see one clearly," Xu said.
"Should be a" nearby YanLie also said.
"One" Zhao Hailong’s answer is also very consistent
Three researchers frown again.
At present, this red sphere emits a faint red light after being taken out, but if it is rushed in from the side by the source, it will spray a red light beam.
After studying for a while, Wang Lu came to a conclusion.
"This red sphere should be an artificial creation, but the technique is also very wonderful. It is not a product of science and technology. It should be an extraordinary refining product, which is very exquisite.
According to the edge technique, refining it is at least a strong genetic evolution, "Wang Hao judged."
"Can you trace the maker?" Lu Zongye asked.
Wang Hao shook his head. "I should, but I can’t find out what kind of personal breath this thing has been washed out after a long period of time."
Feng Xuanbiao was in a hurry. "What happened to the red light beam in this passage, professors?"
Feng Xuanbiao is naturally the most anxious to shoulder the task of building the second Mars base by surprise.
Lu Zongye, the three men in Daoxing, looked at each other suddenly and said, "Is it possible that Millings threw one in but divided into two in the department?"
"It is possible but unlikely.
It seems that what is judged by judging is the law. Find it and try spiritual induction. "
Xiang Daoxing, Wang Hao and Lu Zongye once again surrounded the telepathy at the mouth of the second source energy surge channel.
The first stop was Lu Zongye. "I don’t feel that my sensing distance is limited. Come on."
In less than 30 seconds, Wang Hao shook his head with his eyes open at the same time.
To the way is to look at the Xu back at Xu back again recruit waved.
"By the way, what’s your name, little classmate?"
Xu tui was startled. Is he very young?
"This teacher, I am nineteen years old, and I am not young."
Xiang Daoxing was startled and then laughed. "Good classmate, can you tell me your name?"
"My name is Xu tui."
Xiang Daohang, Wang Hao and Liu Zongye stared blankly at Xu’s eyes at the same time and became strange.
"You just quit?"
"What’s the problem?" Xu tui is puzzled.
Shook his head at Daoxing and sighed lightly, "It’s really famous. It’s better to hear your name before meeting. I didn’t expect you to be so young to be a freshman, right?"
"Jiangshan has talented people!" Liu Zongye, whose former senses were not good, also lamented.
"Hey, our front waves are going to be shot dead on the beach by your back waves."
Wang Hao and Liu Zongye laughed at the same time with a joke on the way.
"Come on, come on, you may be better than us in telepathy. Let’s try and see if you can sense the source of this red light beam." To the way, Xu said hello.
A probe into the telepathy at the mouth of the second source energy surge channel before the retreat
Fifty meters
One hundred meters
120 meters

After that, I waited for the theatre to be out, and it was not her turn to be out at this time

Here in Mishima Alliance, it’s just like saying, "The Qingcheng Sect is so imposing. When the rest of us are dead, you can move if you want. If that’s the case, why do we still hold this soaring conference? Why don’t you kill the Shushan Sword Sect when you are so capable? Everything will be destroyed by you, and you will be the best in our whole field of repair."
Waves say that finish ignore Han Tongyu directly to the window near.
"Ha ha ….." Laughed. "Doctor Wen has missed me for a long time."
"After the tsunami, you have to call me uncle." Luo Zhenfeng settled the matter through consciousness.
"Your head was stunned by the cannon. I may not even recognize you if you call me uncle." The tsunami immediately countered.
Luo Zhenfeng has a well-founded analysis. "You see, although the boss is our boss, I have always been a peer with the boss. Now the boss is a peer with your second uncle, which means that I am a peer with your second uncle. I am not a generation older than you. Let me ask my uncle to listen."
"…" Tsunami truth This guy is like a fly. Even if he doesn’t sew eggs, he can find them. "Why don’t you go to hell? Manager Luo just talked to the boss about his peers. You’d better not find a quarrel between us. I don’t want to bring the old man."
Luo Zhenfeng, at first glance, couldn’t take advantage of it and said, "Let’s give you a chance in front of the old man."
"I didn’t do anything. I was chased and bitten by a group of mad dogs a while ago. I just found a vaccine and I’m going to come back and give them an injection."
In addition to that slowness, the little king lamb is a hero’s building. This man’s name is very imposing, like a lean man. He is actually a sword school in Shushan. He is also very famous in the field of Sanxiu and has been practicing for more than 3,000 years.
Belong to that kind of dare not Du Jie soaring, the Lord is a generation of elders in Shushan to accept a registered brother outside because he was so ruthless at that time
And his temper is a little impatient. He set up a small sect and dreamed of hegemony. But later, he found that he didn’t have background roots and wanted to go back to Shushan Sword Sect. He also found that his master Du Jie failed and died.
And he did those things, and shushan couldn’t accept him, but shushan secretly saved him twice and helped him resolve several disasters.
Ji is equal to Shushan’s younger brother, and he knows how to be grateful than Shushan’s younger brother. This time, the Shushan Sword School found a spokesperson, which not only has a certain prestige in the scattered practice, but also can listen to the command of the Shushan Sword School. After a lot of brains, he finally found the hegemony.
Our days are five or six generations taller than Thunder. Of course, that’s according to what he said when he entered the Shushan Sword School.
Xiong Tian came out without saying anything when he heard that the Shushan Sword Sect had his place.
Our days are not very good at these intrigues. Wentao talked with the waves for a long time. What happened to our genius for nothing?
"How did the son of a bitch come out? You are such a scum. You are qualified to speak for the Qingcheng Mountain School? Xiao Wanggao’s Shushan Sword Sect is kind enough to hold a soaring meeting so that everyone can have a chance to soar. Why do you want to talk to Shushan Sword Sect, or are you talking to yourself? It’s a dog smelly fart. I remember that Xiao Wanggao also sat with me and said that whoever starts a fight at the soaring meeting will be killed by several other public enemies. "
He is as hot-tempered as a tyrant, and he doesn’t need to avoid suspicion as he was born. He doesn’t need to pretend to be the boss like a real person, and he doesn’t like watching movies like Yu Ting.
"Did Xiao Wang-Gao give you a hard time? We shushan swordsmen are good at bullying. Why don’t we just do it without getting angry?"
Luo Tengyun and Thunder are sweating. This doyen is really … hot enough.
The waves here look at the missile and launch pad behind Wentao. "You played this shot hard enough. I like it."
"You’re welcome. I’ll go there later and we’ll have a good talk."
Although the waves can’t be managed in terms of calculation, after all, they have managed the blue waves and the sea for so long. What’s going on? He can still see clearly that Wentao is going to bully today, so let him stand up recently. The West-Sichuan Alliance is really arrogant.
This is also the reason why the various sects targeted them so immediately. After the establishment of the Western Shu Alliance, it developed rapidly and the four factions’ joint forces were really super powerful.
Where there is friction with other sects, they are also arrogant, and all factions have recently tolerated the Lord, which has also caused them to become more and more arrogant. Now, at the critical moment, no one will stay behind.
What is it that has endured for so long? The soaring conference broke out.
And Wentao just detonated this point on the side of the West Shu Alliance, and waited for this moment for so many years.
Wentao and the waves can’t be separated from each other. They have been besieged by all, and Han Tongyu and others are so angry that they are about to explode.
"The male doyen heard his name before, but he didn’t see him. This time, he had the opportunity to meet again, and it was really heroic." Xiao Sizao told Wentao in detail about the situation of our country.
"You are Wentao when you are young." Our hero is taller than Wentao at both ends, and his body was put on Wentao’s shoulder. Wentao didn’t move, and he didn’t move at all. Our hero was slightly stunned and immediately laughed. "No wonder they always praised you for hearing that you saved me. Many people of the Shushan Sword Sect are so relieved that they will definitely support you. If you can’t, I will come to the Hero Building and watch over you to see who dares to touch you."
Thunder said that the old-timer had made a mistake again. Thunder could consult many school classics. One of the reasons why the old-timer was not included in the school was that he had a number of belligerent enemies, and another point was that he was the boss’s habit. He went back to Shushan Sword School alone and brought many people with him.
Everyone of these people is not clean, and they have brought a lot of trouble to some extent.
And the dominant day is to protect them. Naturally, the Shushan Sword School can’t do such a thing easily, which also leads to the reason why the dominant day didn’t finally enter the Shushan Sword School.
Dominating Heaven is not completely mindless, otherwise he wouldn’t have established a power for hundreds of years, and it’s not bad. He has many shortcomings that don’t match his name, and he is definitely not suitable for being a hegemon. Now it’s ok to support him in Shushan Sword School.
If I had changed the former Wentao, I would have played a joke on him. After all, it is also a very good thing to have such a person to "cover". But now Wentao also raises his hand and presses it on the shoulder of our hero. Although it is much shorter than our hero’s shoulder, it is more imposing to press it as if it were commanding from a height.
"After this sentence, brother, if you have something, I will take care of it."
Our day was able to shrug off this sentence, but the thunder turned to look at Luo Tengyun, whose eyes also lit up.

Is my system eschatological? Is it a myth that there is a system ahead?

be stunned
Yi Xue and Lin Xinheng, the guides in front, said, "You can board the boat when you get to the car."
In front of our eyes, there is also a huge ferry that can be used for vacation, play, accommodation and gambling. It is a mobile super five-star hotel, and it will definitely be glad you came tonight.
Chapter 1 Gambling on a boat
We got into the car one by one and looked at this big guy. We were very excited and looked forward to it. At the boarding place, people were gradually getting on the boat with invitation cards.
Yi Xue and Lin Xinheng came over and said, "Come with us and arrange everything. Absolute top vip can have fun."
Monte Carlo is famous for gambling and yachts, and of course beautiful women.
Zhu Yeqing said there, "I have been to Macau and I don’t feel better than Macau. Where can I go to gamble in Macau?"
Hongli said, "The development of that small fishing village in Macau is really going to have a chance to see it soon. When Monte Carlo has the advantages of Monte Carlo, look at it and specify it well."
Fire falling, Pompo is rubbing their hands and saying "go quickly"
In this way, while chatting, they walked over. The followers Yi Xue and Lin Xinheng arrived at the boarding gate and took out the vip invitation letter.
Immediately politely lead.
How many people took it with them without asking? The boat was very big, just a five-star building moved to the sea, and the lights shone brilliantly, and the splendor was comparable to the scenery of Titanic.
The student said it was monohydrate French.
We didn’t start the player system, but we didn’t understand Ning Xi. Once again, we showed an unimaginable language ability. Yi Xue and Lin Xinheng were all stunned. "Your French is good."
Zhu Yeqing said, "My sister is a cow with everything in French, Italian, English and Japanese."
Ning Xi said, "My original dream was to be an embassy official. The six languages belong to normal countries, and it is not a pediatrician."
It’s okay to wave your hand.
And Yi Xue, where they know a little bit, is not very skilled, which is led by Ning Xi.
Yi Xue said there, "Let them give us rooms according to the number of people. One room for two of us here is enough for you to choose at will, and then the money can be directly removed from the vip account."
Ningxi to translate
Workers naturally have nothing to say and brought them to the gambling boat about five floors. They lined up in our room, and their girls were mostly twittering and distributing.
Here, Pang Bo and Fire Falling Hongli asked for a big one.
Ning Xi and Zhu Yeqing asked for one. I wanted to share a room with Hongli. Lin Weiwei suddenly hugged my arm and said, "We live together tonight."
As soon as I was happy, I looked at this enchanting smiling beauty and nodded "no problem"
Sure enough, women have a sense of crisis, which is better than a thousand words. Just send it directly to the door and walk into the assigned room together.
Also, if you change your laundry, you are ready to take a shower first to relax.
Then I went to eat and stroll around this ferry. When I was taking a bath, I also teased, "Sister Wei, do you want to swim with mandarin ducks? If you don’t need it now, it’s fine if you stay late. My bathing skills are absolutely first-class and professional."
This time, Lin Weiwei changed his arm and bit his lip to make eyes and said, "Anything can happen if you behave well late."
And blew me a kiss and took a bath in another bathroom. "I won’t accompany you if I want to dress up properly."
The crisp sound made my heart thump, and I wanted to go and see it, but I held back late and behaved well. I took a bath in a good mood, changed my clean clothes and shaved.
I feel that the whole person has a lot of spirit.
Lin Weiwei also changed into a close-fitting dress and came out with a slight ankle and some formality. "Is it too formal?"
Sling tube top dress white and green wrapped around hips and waist to show her figure incisively and vividly. A person who is fascinated by death went over and hugged and said, "No wonder calling you a big-breasted fox chest is a big way for my boyfriend to master it with one hand."
Be funny
Instead of pushing, she said, "Just don’t touch the lipstick." Look at me. I put my hand into my clothes and rubbed my soft meat. I didn’t care. I pouted and asked, "Am I more beautiful than Yi Xue?"
I almost smoked, but I nodded repeatedly. "It’s much more beautiful. How can you have a good figure? It’s so big and so white?" I took it out and kissed it in a good mood before putting it back. "Stop it and walk."
Took her arm and went out of the door.
She tidied up her clothes and felt a little nervous, but when she went out, she saw that everyone had changed clothes except Sister Qing, who was still a great queen fan.
Ning Xi’s little sister next door changed flowers into a white and pink dress, like Yi Xue, Hua Xian, where there is a terrible long leg and leaking chest, one by one.
It seems that they are all models, and they must have thought about it. Let’s play in Monte Carlo first.
At this time, Hongli came out and changed into a suit. His body was too eye-catching and a small gift seemed to be good, so he waved a fan and said, "Let’s go to dinner first."
Also looked at Ning Xi, Lin Weiwei and other women’s words, "Let’s drive, ladies" and smiled.
Giggling is the place to eat and play, and everyone is also psychologically happy.
Yi Xue also came over and said, "Let’s go together or play separately. We have some arrangements to eat Monte Carlo seafood, and then go to the casino after a dance on the roof."
Zhu Yeqing just wants to say that it’s good to get familiar with each other because we have to get into Tiancheng after tonight.

Zhou Jia’s ears trembled and he stretched out his hand to stop her from moving.

"Let’s go. If we don’t go, we can’t come."
The corpse group is approaching
These things are the overlord of Star City. If you fall into them, no one can survive.
"Xi Xi Li …"
I don’t know when the sky is drizzling.
The drizzle also covered the whole city with a veil.
"shua shua!"
A bloated figure shuttled through the ruins of the building.
Look carefully, the figure is wearing armor with a waist and a thick package behind it, which is very bloated.
Behind it
Groups of corpses are surging like a tide.
Three of them are more than two meters tall and covered in hair, and they have a pair of pale eyes. Zombies are screaming and chasing the nearest one.
White-eyed zombie
There are more than four districts in Xingcheng, and there are other lucky bases.
However, after losing the base, it was captured by the corpse group. If you look closely at the reason, most of them are white-eyed zombies.
This kind of zombie, which is comparable to the top ten, has a horrible spirit because of the star people.
A loud noise sounded behind Zhou Jia’s body, and the ground collapsed and cracked, and the whole person flew out to the side.
an instant
Visible to the naked eye, the sound wave is mixed with the horrible mind, like a shell leaving the chamber, and directly plows a gully about tens of meters long.
Several layers of walls were knocked down by it.
Roaring Zhou Jia is also trying to dodge.
Fortunately, although the attack power of white-eyed zombies is amazing, it is not too fast, and the distance between them is getting bigger and bigger.
"Da …"
Foot meal
Zhou Jia’s expression in armor shows excitement and ecstasy, which is difficult to control.
Know the sea
Apocalypse star flashing
Find the source star!
Find the source star!
This debris world has active stars!
When the body ten percent ran in the direction of apocalypse star induction.
Mastering the equal-order ternary rectification method makes Zhou Jia carry the source force much faster than before, and his posture has also increased.
Not close yet.
A series of noise has come far away.
Further away, the surging sound of corpses also made his footsteps lag.
Moving on, it is true that the energy star will be caught in the front and back of the corpse group, and it is likely to die.
"Well …"

"I said that some people should respect everyone here!" Big honey said at a high volume that although there was no specific name call, everyone naturally looked at Ye Qing Dong’s second child and hurriedly bumped into Ye Qing. "Boss, don’t sleep. Big boss is staring at you!"

Ye Qing looked at the big honey with his eyes open and yawned. "Who dares to disrespect the big boss and tell me that I will directly smash him into a rotten watermelon!" It’ s really rude! "
Everyone can’t help but look at each other when they hear the news. It’s really rare for this fellow to have such a thick skin. He glared at him in a sweet way and said to the point, "First of all, I congratulate you on reaching the semi-finals after finishing the set goal. Your performance is very good, which makes me and General Manager Wu very satisfied!"
Mr. Wu nodded a little embarrassed. Actually, he didn’t pay attention to this contest at all. He enjoyed playing online games in the office. He didn’t fart. He didn’t talk with satisfaction, but honey had to deal with the scene since he arrived.
"Now that we have entered the semi-finals, we must set our goals higher. I hope that you will have a champion’s mind and strive for it no matter how difficult the road ahead is. Even if we can’t beat our opponents, we must not be discouraged. We must be glorious even though we are defeated!" Big honey spoke impassioned. Everyone clapped their hands and leaned back lazily in the chair and smiled. "Big boss said it well! We want to win the championship and defeat the Tiger Brotherhood! "
The others suddenly looked at him with a strange look. Honey knew that this guy was deliberately messing with himself. She held back her breath and said, "It’s good that you have this ambition, but please let me finish!"
Ye Qing skimmed the pie mouth, then leaned back in the chair, closed his eyes and dozed off again …
Big honey gave him an angry look and then continued, "I hope everyone can train well this afternoon. I’m not so unreasonable. You can have a holiday after the game in the afternoon. If you make it to the final, you can have two days off after the final. Let’s work hard!"
"wow! ? Take two days off! Great! " I was very excited and then asked calmly in cold blood, "The question is, are you sure you can make it to the final?"
"That’s true, but there’s hope at last. Otherwise, meet the Tiger Brotherhood! We Ye Ge are not our opponents in other teams! " Love with a little proud tone way aside ibye suddenly face a change and then turned to look at the other side, he didn’t expect Ye Qing now in the middle of the team is so important to know that he is such a person! He should have enjoyed the treatment, which was taken away by Ye Qing!
Big honey pretended to cough for a while and then said, "Don’t exaggerate some people in the team, otherwise he will be proud, and F is a team game, not a stand-alone game. No matter how powerful one person is, he needs other people’s assistance. I hope you will also work hard to improve your strength and don’t rely on one person in the game! Got it? "
"I know!" Team people have the strength to make big honey sound that these guys are very perfunctory. She immediately slapped the table and the earth shouted, "Be bigger! ! I didn’t eat! " Then everyone rushed to do their best and shouted, "got it!"
Ye Qing was directly awakened by fright and looked around in shock. "What’s wrong?" Everyone suddenly laughed together, even Big Honey couldn’t help but cover her mouth and laugh. Ye Qing was suddenly embarrassed and then bowed her head and asked Dong Laoer, "What’s the matter?"
"Nothing to shout slogans!" Dong Laoer held back his laughter, and Ye Qing took a sip. He didn’t good the spirit and tunnel, "It’s no good playing with these realities!" Then he stretched himself, got up and shouted at Big Honey, "It’s almost time for the meeting. I think it’s time for training!"
With that, he swaggered out and looked at his back. He couldn’t help but throw a note at the door in a flustered and frustratedly, and then he was very angry. "You all saw his attitude!" More and more presumptuous! A little disrespect for people is simply arrogance and going its own way! I don’t know if he is still the owner of the club! "
Everyone was afraid to respond when they heard it. Dong Laoer couldn’t help but say to himself, "The boss is the boss. This madness is endless. If you don’t pay attention to the big boss, you can come and go freely!"
"Bastard! There’s nothing we can do! Meeting dismissed! ! Get out of here! !” Big honey yelled in exasperation. Cold-blooded people rushed out, and Mr. Wu was a little embarrassed, but he also understood big honey’s mood, so he sighed and walked out of the meeting room.
Chapter one hundred and nine Dally with big honey
I club training room Ye Qing sat in the chair and entered the game. Seeing his teammates coming back from the conference room one after another, he turned his head and said, "Hurry up and train! We want to win the championship! " They all sat smiling without saying a word, picked up the headphones in cold blood and couldn’t help it. "Elymus, you are really a little awesome now. You don’t even give us the big boss’s face! However, I think your main position is hanging again! "
Leaf tilting eyebrows a wrinkly immediately reveal a wry smile way "you big ye how can I forget this thing! After that, do you think I should go to her office to apologize to her and then write a profound examination? "
"Cut!" People despise him. Didn’t he just be awesome? Dong Laoer is very authentic. "Eldest brother, I was defeated by you. Could you please think about the consequences before you play down a peg or two? Now I know I regret it? "
"Of course, this kind of thing is to seize the opportunity to play. This kind of opportunity is fleeting. If you think about the consequences, it will not have such a good effect, okay?" Ye Qing is a great tunnel. Dong Laoer laughed and ran out of the training room.
He went outside the big honey’s office and knocked on the door. Big honey shouted "Come in!" " With a hint of anger in the sound, Yuzryha felt a little scared. He pushed the door and went in. Big honey was a little surprised to see him come in, and then buried his head and looked at the file in his hand and directly looked at Ye Qing.
Ye Qing didn’t talk, so he walked over and pulled the chair opposite to Da Mi, then pulled out a signature pen from the desk pen container and stuck it in his fingers. After a few minutes, Da Mi finally looked up at Ye Qing and said, "Who told you to come in?"
Ye Qing turned his pen very handsomely and smiled. "Didn’t you call me in?"
"When did I call you in?" Big honey is very authentic
"Just now when I knocked at the door, you said come in! Then I came in! " Ye Qing was very angry because of the authentic honey. "You are!" After scolding, she couldn’t help but feel that this sentence sounded like flirting.
Ye Qing looked at Da Mi, blushing and blushing, and almost couldn’t help but look away. After all, Da Mi rarely showed shy expression. Ye Qing found that Da Mi was not fierce, especially when she was shy. She was particularly beautiful. If she had a gentle personality, Ye Qing would have been attracted to her.
"Why are you looking at me?" Big honey found that Ye Qing’s eyes were a little irritable and bowed their heads shyly. Ye Qing, a tunnel, quickly returned to his absolute being and smiled. "I don’t see your face makeup!" It seems that I have painted eyeliner? "
"Fuck off! Draw your sister! Come on, why do you want to see me? " Big honey didn’t good the spirit tunnel Ye Qing threw the pen directly into the pen holder, and then he got up and looked at the big honey with his hands on the table. His eyes were full of domineering. Unfortunately, this state lasted for a second, and he immediately squatted on the table and was very timid. "Big boss, I’m sorry, I have a bad attitude in the conference room. I review it! I hope you have a lot of adults to forgive me. I am actually a heart. I am more respectful to you in my heart, just like a monk respects the Buddha. I am very devout without a trace of distractions. "
Is this guy’s brain burnt out? Why did you come here to apologize to yourself? What’s he worried about? Are you worried that I won’t let him play the main force? Thought of here, big honey couldn’t help laughing.
"What are you laughing at? Boss, I’m very upset now. I feel sorry for you. You must forgive me. Otherwise, I can’t even sleep tonight, which is likely to affect the game! " Leaf tilting touch not clear what is the meaning of big honey smile quickly asked again.
"Are you threatening me? I tell you that no team has achieved my set goal after reaching the semi-finals. Even if you can’t play in the day, I have nothing to lose. Besides, you are also a member of the team. Don’t you have a little sense of honor? " Big honey is very cold on the surface, and she has long been happy in her heart. She decided to make a fool of this hateful guy.
"Big Boss, how dare I threaten you? Of course I don’t want the team to lose, but if you don’t forgive me, I’m sure I can’t sleep at night. It’s not good to be mentally ill. It’s estimated that drinking coffee will affect the game, isn’t it?"
"Hum so you want me to forgive you? Weren’t you very arrogant at the meeting just now? A pair of eyes don’t look at me! " Big honey snorted.
"What does the big boss want me to do to forgive me?" Ye Qing looked miserable and thought for a moment. "You should apologize to me sincerely and don’t be so glib!"
"Oh, well, can you put your ears together and I’ll apologize quietly?"
"Don’t want to learn from me. Will you slap me when I lean my face in like that? Forget it! " Big honey is very alert tunnel

The two men slowly descended from the sky with a large number of Taoist priests of Wanshou Palace sent by the gods and clouds and landed in the altar of the Dharma Association of Liuhe Temple.

The Taoist priest of Wanshou Palace immediately drove all the monks out and changed the Buddhist instruments to Taoism.
The altar was also broken up and a lonely altar was built again.
Ling Qing placed the wheel of merit in front of the ancestral tablet of Sanqing Daoism in the altar of dharma.
The Dharma altar still shows the Dharma realm of nine days and ten places and a group of ghosts and ghosts in it.
Make it clear to everyone.
He and Zhu Guang took over the altar and presided over a ceremony to refine and pray for blessings.
They are much worse than Master Dahui, who robbed the immortals and cultivated the capital by Lohan in the world, which easily melted the city’s ghosts.
Lingqing two people naturally also not line.
However, compared with Da Hui Zen master Ling Qing, there is one advantage.
That is, he has spent more ghost kings in Yinshan world.
These ghosts can’t earn nine days and ten places at all.
Plus he has red-violet industry fire.
Although Miaojing Emperor is not in other ways to exert his power
But it is enough to suppress these ghosts.
What makes the school even worse is Lei Fa.
And the ghost is most afraid of thunder.
With the help of Taoist priests who have practiced Leifa, it is much easier for them to become two people than it is for Zen master Dahui.
So I was still in Amitabha in the city, and I was merciful.
Have been replaced by measuring the compassion of the Buddha and the immortal teacher.
Looking at this situation, a ray of Buddha’s light appeared, and the wise elder Neng Nai met Lingqing.
I took the monks back to Liuhe Temple.
After 7749, the ghosts of the dharma circle were sent to the underworld one after another.
And the people in Hangzhou also regard them as living immortals.
These days, they already know that the two men are immortal teachers sent by the gods.
And the two emperors served by the Shenxiao Sect
One is the person in charge, the longevity emperor, and the other is the Qinghua emperor who rushed to the rescue.
Immediately spontaneously demolished or changed the Mani Temple outside the city to set up the Shenxiao Wanshou Palace.
Go inside every day to burn incense and pray for two statues.
Just as Lingqing and Zhu Guang were trying to turn ghosts into ghosts and glorify God’s tradition.
Sung river also led a magic star to attack Qingxi County, the lair of Fang La.
And Lingqing two people here also ushered in a large number of fellow.
Swing the magic Buddha, nine days Xuan Nv first
Fu Yang, Luo Zhenren, Zhang Ziyang, Shi Tai, Wang Zhongyang, Zhizhen Elder;
Taoist Ling, Tian Yong, Zhang Zhe and Tian Ying are all here.
Lingqing two people saw it immediately. This is to completely uproot the fire statue, an alien god who invaded.
Ling Qing and Zhu Guang invited everyone into the longevity palace to let the demon Buddha and Xuan Nv sit in the theme for nine days.
The rest of you sit in separate classes.

Big honey turned to laugh and said, "I don’t smell it!" "

Ye Qing put his arm around Big Honey’s shoulder and said, "Before going out to meet people, you should say hello to me first, whether it’s meeting an old lover or an old lover. I’m a very democratic person. Will I still tie you with a rope and not let you go out? You tell me that I won’t look for you everywhere and I won’t worry! "
"I’ll let you know what I do after I’m done, okay?" Big honey leaned her head on his chest and said, she knows Ye Qing cares about her, which is what she has always wanted. Her heart is actually very sweet. Li Zhihao has indeed become a past tense. She doesn’t want to recall the past and cherish the talents in front of her. It is the most important thing.
"I really know too little about your past. Why don’t we talk about your past!" Ye Qing suggested that Dami nodded and said, "To be fair, you have to tell the truth!"
"Of course, lying is eaten by wolves!" Leaf tilt said with a smile
The two chatted for a long time in the office. When it comes to the former things, they are all very happy and interested. As the saying goes, men are not brave in the past, but when they come together, they can’t help but want to tell their own history. Men and women are all the same.
Men always say that they were so domineering that they let girls fall in love at first sight, while women always say that they were so beautiful that they chased their own people from where to where. Ye Qing and Da Mi talked until Dong Laoer knocked at the door, which ended the topic.
Dong Laoer got permission from Da Mi and pushed the door and came in. Then he said to Ye, who was sitting on the sofa, "Boss, they asked me to ask you when you can celebrate that their bellies are already hungry, just like being nailed with a flat tire."
"Then you tell them to go to the garage to repair the tire! And celebrate a bird! You’re just a bunch of foodies who are afraid I won’t treat you! " Ye Qing criticise way
Dong second hurriedly with the wave is very wronged tunnel "I’m not like them, I don’t lack you this meal, I can’t afford to eat what? I’m here to help them. That Zhao Xiayang is an authentic foodie! "
Big honey chuckled and laughed. "All right, this meal is on me tonight. Just consider it as my AWOL punishment today! Let’s eat, drink, have fun and relax tonight! "
"Big boss is generous, so let’s go now," Dong Laoer urged.
"Go!" Ye Qing immediately got up and walked towards the outside of Da Mi’s office. Da Mi also cut her hair, then grabbed her bag and followed Ye Qing out.
This night is doomed to be a corrupt night. Everyone found a restaurant in Kuanzhai Lane and had a meal. Then they took a walk together in Kuanzhai Lane to help digest it. After about an hour, they went to kv to sing and Dong Laoer Zhao Xiayang and others were playing dice games and chatting more often.
When Dong Laoer and others sang hoarse and couldn’t shout out, everyone left kv. Then Damien really arranged for everyone to go to the sauna. It used to be a formal place, but there was no special kind. They went to Rijun Hot Spring Club to take a sauna, soak in hot springs and massage, and they could eat supper in it. The room was very rich in sleep.
Everyone really had a good time this evening. Pearl Krabs didn’t go to the sauna. She and Dami went to the hot spring and felt relaxed all over. Dong Laoer was not in high spirits. He was used to playing that kind of unrestrained place and disdained this kind of formal venue. He always felt too monotonous and almost fell asleep sitting in the sauna.
It’s already twelve o’clock in the evening when I came out from Rijun, which doesn’t affect the next day’s game. Honey told everyone to go to bed immediately after they got back, and they were dismissed by the roadside. Finally, there were four people left, Ye Qing, Dong Laoer, Zhao Xiayang and Honey. Zhao Junzhu went back because of something at home and didn’t even come to dinner.
Chapter 59 Do it or not
The night is boundless. Ye Qing took the car with Da Mi and so on. Three people came home directly. Ye Qing wanted to send Da Mi home, but Da Mi didn’t want to go back. She said that she would go to Ye Qing’s place to live tonight. Now Ye Qing’s place is full of people. Zhao xia yang can sleep on the sofa. Where did Da Mi go to sleep?
Dong Laoer and Zhao Xiayang both got the message and couldn’t help laughing. Honey went to them, and of course she could sleep in a bed with Ye Qing. Ye Qing certainly wouldn’t refuse to sleep with a beautiful woman.
Big honey was laughed at by Dong Laoer. They were embarrassed to repeatedly emphasize that they just slept with Ye Qing and couldn’t do other things. Dong Laoer laughed. "Who knows if you can do other things when you get out of bed and turn on the lights? Do we still stick up the door and listen?"
"Dong Tiancheng you go to hell! You are just like you! " Big honey shyly scolded Dong Laoer for laughing. Ye Qing held the steering wheel and looked intently at the front and chimed in, "Enough is enough, old man. Is it interesting to joke?" I really didn’t do anything and I’m not wronged by you saying that! "
Zhao Xiayang smiled in a wretched way. "Then do something tonight. When it becomes a fact, you won’t feel wronged!"
Dong Laoer also laughed and said, "It’s the boss. If you don’t do anything anyway, everyone will do it. After all, you’re lying in the same bed. Who knows?"
Big honey was blushed by these two words and looked back at Dong Laoer and Zhao Xiayang directly. "You two bastards when I am dead? You say that I will throw you from the car and crush you three or five times! "
Dong Laoer and Zhao Xiayang immediately shut up. They all forgot that Da Mi used to be a tough woman, and Da Mi was always innocent girl. Only then would she release her domineering.
Ye Qing thought about Dong Laoer’s words while driving. He felt that these two guys’ words were very reasonable. It was really wrong for him to do nothing. Others would certainly do everything. Now the weight of big honey is getting heavier and heavier in his heart. Anyway, it is impossible for the two of them to split up in this generation. It is better to just do something as Dong Laoer said.
He kept thinking about it, but he still knew that big honey should not give him a chance, because she said there would be a wedding day, but now it is limited to holding hands, cuddling and kissing occasionally.
When they got home, Dong Laoer and Zhao Xiayang were both well-informed and went to bed as soon as possible after washing. Dong Laoer also woke up very kindly and said, "There are supermarkets not far from the old building, such as Jasper and Durex. You know everything!"
Big honey is a burst of shame and embarrassment. She hurried into the room and went in. Then she saw that big honey had gone to bed and was still wearing that suit during the day. When she saw that big honey was very prepared, she knew that she was definitely hopeless tonight. He didn’t want to come to overlord and bow so boring.
He got out of bed and big honey shrank to the side. "Don’t listen to those two bad guys. Go to sleep honestly!"
Leaf smiled laughed "but don’t you think what they said is very reasonable? Even if we don’t do anything, they will think that we did it. It feels very embarrassing! "
"Don’t fool me. I don’t feel wronged. They just want us to know, right?" Big honey is very stubborn tunnel
"Then why are you so persistent in sleeping with me today?" Leaf tilt is very puzzled asked.
"Because I went out to meet Li Zhihao during the day and left you for so long, I want to stay with you now!"
"By the way, you and Li Zhihao were almost at the point of talking about marriage. Did you …" Ye Qing immediately interrupted him before he finished his words and replied very firmly, "No! He respects me very much and never touches me. We are only limited to cuddling and kissing. "
"I depend on true and false? So you still … "
"Well, I am! What’s the matter? Is it weird? Don’t let every girl be so ungrateful! "
"Don’t feel strange is think I’m lucky hey hey …"
"Do you men value this so much?"
"I don’t value it at all, but since it is, so much the better!"
"I’ll blush if you praise me so openly to my face!"
"I want to give you a piece of advice, nozuonodie!"
The two men talked a lot as usual, and then fell asleep one after another, still doing nothing.