Responding to her is a man’s gentle and spoiled smile

"good" Feng Shao was slightly embarrassed, cleared his throat and coughed, and then held out his hand to him, pointing his shoulder constantly. On the other hand, her shoulders are constantly gesticulating with delicate eyebrows. Together, she can see that she is seriously studying and thinking. With a hint of doubt, she constantly asks, "Is …

Just at this time, the lounge door was knocked. At Peng Tian, Peng Tian nodded and went directly to the door. One person said something outside the door. Peng Tian nodded and walked back. He leaned over Mu Mingfeng’s ear and said softly, "The gentleman’s south glory is coming." He also took a look at Yang Ye.

Yang night, of course, know what it is but pretend to be very suspicious. Mu Mingfeng got up and smiled and held out his hand at Yang Night. "Hehe, Mr. Yang, the so-called gentleman who knows the time, Junjie hopes that we can get along well. I won’t keep you if I have something to …

"Coach, why can she enter Group A as soon as she arrives? In this case, we are all very dissatisfied." One of them was indignant and asked the dignified instructor.

"It’s his ability not to be dissatisfied with him going to that group. I will never arrange her casually, but I found this place by myself. If you have any dissatisfaction, you can ask him to challenge Europe. What do you say?" Uncle said angrily, gesturing that his eyes would not be wrong. I looked …