He told Hemenglou to prepare lunch. Chufei directly lay in the lounge chair and prepared to sleep. His spirit and physical strength slowly recovered, but he didn’t return to his peak. He wasn’t going to do anything else. It seemed that she was going to the forest to find some fresh fruits and mushrooms. The glutton hoped that she wouldn’t cause any trouble, but he was awakened before Chufei entered a deep sleep state.

"Ah, ah, ah, Chu, help quickly!" With a scream, Prissy appeared in the sight of Chu enclave, holding a bunch of fruits in her hand and calling Chufei to pat her head with a headache. This little bitch didn’t know to put her hand in the box, but she also led a thorn wood demon …

It’s hard to imagine that a busy boss would take time to learn about a game, which shows how much he attaches importance to his daughter’s affairs. After knowing F, he will also know about Ye Qinggong and his daughter’s career.

He finally knows that big honey investment is not an industry with no future. The F professional competition is now very mature. Although the profitability of major teams is not ideal, this thing is just like football, and its advertising effect is very good. The former Guangzhou Evergrande was just a small and medium-sized real …

Jiang Yuhan is another sniper. It is really difficult to hide in the enemy’s department. The key is that the other person will never come out and let you be killed. It must be behind the bunker.

Although Jiang Yuhan is an expert in dealing with this kind of endgame, he is one of the best in the world and often reverses the game alone, but now he can’t help but frown. It’s too difficult! There are three machine guns on the other side, each of which forms a barrage behind the …

"Luo Er, besides his face, looks very similar to Ye, and when he grows up, Luo Er’s body shape is also very similar to Ye, and his head is also very higher than the birthmark …"

"No son was born in vain without a birthmark, but … when I was very young, I didn’t know when a little Zhu Shazhi was not very small and half as big as sesame! If you see that face, it’s easy to recognize! Exasperated " "I will be able to draw a portrait today and …

"So you still have a way?" Downing asked curiously.

"Of course, there is a way and the effect should be good." Feng Yang smiled mysteriously and looked forward to a few curious eyes. Yang strode across suddenly and put his hands on his mouth and roared, "We are Feiyun’s younger brothers who were ordered to come and invite you to see us." "Good idea" …

Everyone understands the current bad situation. And the communication between Xu Qi’s three corpses

Just know the current situation. At this time, Xu Qi was sitting in the corridor of the hospital with his fist. Anger rises in my heart a little … Xu Qi is burning with anger. And Zheng Wenwen came out from the clinic. A nurse handed the medical records to Zheng Wenwen. Then Wenwen reluctantly …

Phoenix shallow by his look very not since slowly withdraw the line of sight "YunLuo don’t say when I have amnesia, such as because I am still in the stage of amnesia and didn’t remember"

She paused and looked up at him again, and her eyes narrowed slightly. "But you call me Xiaoqi-this name was once called by Mo Shaoyuan. Although I don’t know who he recognized me, but … do you know me well?" Mo Shaoyuan is a wanted man. He knows it very well. It’s not that he …

Kun Shao was very happy and nodded. "It’s a great pity that the president of Nangong died, but it’s not necessarily a bad thing for Nangong guild and Qingcheng Sect. My fourth younger brother won’t pursue what happened to Nangong guild again, and we will do our best to help when the president of Nangong is in heaven."

Give a polite bow. As soon as it seems, it’s over. In the other two, he didn’t take a reason and snorted "Zhang Song, when did you get mixed up with these people? I heard that you entered the Nangong guild after the accident of the Nangong President. I didn’t know that you were with …

"I’m going to kill Yan Qin. He was the one who badly wounded me. If I hadn’t used my quick wits to jump into a cliff valley, I would have died."

Jun Ye took a bite of Su Wan and Ye Ting, and both of them looked at him in unison, thinking of the hardships that Jun Ye had experienced in his life, and they still felt sorry for him. Although the emperor was born in the palace, he finally found himself a chess player. The …

Yang Ye and his wife have been confused by Rose-shouldn’t she be angry? At worst, you should be arrogant. What do you say? With you? " Or "joke, I think you just came to die!" " So that you can fight again …

What is this like saying "you are so brave" when an elder praises a child? Yang Ye and Yi Niancheng are puzzled at each other’s glances. Although Yang Ye has a miner’s hat, he can see something like what np has to say, but he can’t see it at all. Rose moved a lot. She …